Difference in quality of olive oil in dark glass, plastic or tin bottles

Olive oil packaged in dark glass or tin bottles has the greatest resistance to oxidation. This means that they maintain all the acceptability properties of the oil for at least 180 days at 20 degrees Celsius. In addition, they can be stored for up to six months at room temperature.

Conservation and quality of olive oil

The quality of extra virgin olive oil can vary if stored in glass, tin or plastic containers. Both plastic and glass containers tend to favor photooxidation. Variations may occur in extra virgin olive oil during storage in different types of packaging. To know exactly how the different storage solution will affect the oil, it is necessary to determine the acidity and peroxide value of the oil, as well as its fatty acid and sterol compositions during bottling. In addition, the sensory evaluation of the oil must also be performed.

Producers of extra virgin olive oil who care about the longevity and quality of their product will normally submit samples of the olive oil harvested from their mills during the harvest season. The materials used to package olive oil include glass, polyethylene “PE” and metal. A reference sample is processed immediately after extraction, while other batches are typically stored for 25, 50, 75 and 180 days at room temperature. The extra virgin olive oil is then evaluated in the months after extraction.


When storing extra virgin olive oil, it is important to know whether it is better to keep it in glass or plastic bottles. Plastic tends to break when exposed to heat and light, while glass keeps oils fresh longer. Plastics also have higher oxygen permeability. This means that olive oils in plastic bottles can go rancid much faster than those in glass.

The amount of oxidation and degradation that occurs in the oil over time is an important factor in determining the quality of olive oil. Both auto-oxidation and photo-oxidation can degrade oil. Both are caused by free radicals.

EVOO in tin containers

There is a notable difference between the quality of olive oil stored in tin containers and plastic or glass bottles. In both cases, the initial acidity of the olive oil is lower than the maximum allowed by European Union regulations.

A glass bottle is ideal for storing olive oil. However, some countries have introduced plastic containers. Plastic containers aren’t temperature controlled, so their contents can leach chemicals into the oil. Plastic containers aren’t the best option because they force the oil to undergo leaching. Glass containers protect the olive oil from heat and prevent leaching of chemicals.

The packaging of olive oil has a significant effect on the quality of the oil. Because the bottles protect the oil from light and oxygen, it has a longer shelf life. Storage temperature is also an important factor. In addition to the temperature, the use of a nitrogen atmosphere can affect the quality of the olive oil.

EVOO in dark glass bottles

The difference between olive oil in dark glass bottles and tin cans is largely based on the type of glass used to store it. Generally, darker glass bottles are best. Unlike cans, however, dark glass is not impermeable to light. Some manufacturers choose to use different colored glasses to protect their oils from light. While some prefer the darker glass, others find cans to be the best option.

Olive oil is still susceptible to oxidation. This process leads to the formation of hydroperoxides and carbonyl compounds, which cause the oil to lose its fresh olive flavour. It is also more likely to develop off-flavors when exposed to sunlight.